
反义同形现象的认知理据解析 被引量:1

On the Cognitive Motivation of Ambivalent Phenomenon
摘要 反义同形,作为一种客观存在的语言现象,其产生有其认知上的理据。笔者探讨了反义同形现象的语义构建过程及其语义结构的层级性。反义同形的语义构建是借助基于意象图式的转喻识解得以完成的。反义同形的认知语义结构包括三个层级。同现关系和演替关系各自包含一定数量的特定类型的邻近关系,后者涉及的概念关系产生反义同形语义结构中具体的转喻。 Ambivalent phenomenon exists objectively in many languages and its emergence has the cognitive motivation. This paper explores the motivation of ambivalent phenomenon from the perspective of its semantic construction process and its hierarchical semantic structure. The semantic construction of ambivalent phenomenon evolves out of metonymic construal which is based on the image schema. The cognitive semantic structure of ambivalent phenomenon comprises three levels ~ there are two superordinate domains of succession and co-presence, each of which contains different types of conceptual contiguity, the latter involving the concept relations that generate concrete metonymic relationships in ambivalent phenomena.
作者 侯冰洁
出处 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期181-184,共4页 Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社科研究规划项目(10YJA740100) 吉林省社会科学规划项目(2011B291)
关键词 反义同形 认知理据 语义构建 Ambivalent Phenomenon Cognitive Motivation Semantic Construction
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