目的 :对国产及进口比索洛尔进行降压疗效及谷 /峰比值的比较 ,以判断其降压疗效及副作用。方法 :按照 1993年WH0高血压的诊断标准 ,将门诊入选的高血压患者分为A组 2 0例 (进口组 ) ,B组 2 0例 (国产组 )。服用安慰剂 2周后进行药物治疗 8周 ,治疗前后进行AB、P、及T/P的测定。结果 :治疗后A组血压下降SBP 34mmHg,DBP 2 7mmHg ,B组血压下降SBP 2 3.6mmHg ,DBP 19mmHg ,两组间血压下降无差异性。T/P比值A组平均T/P比值 70 % ,B组药平均T/P比值为 5 7%。结论 :两种比索洛尔均可达到全日的有效降压效果 ,无明显副作用。
Aim:To compare the antihypertensive effects of two products of bisoprolol (made in China and in Germany) and T/P ratio. Method:According to the diagnostic criterion of hypertension by WHO in 1993, 40 outpatients with essential hypertension were enrolled into this study, and divided in two groups:group A (20 cases, drug was made in Germany) and group B (20 cases, drug was made in China). After 2 weeks of placebo, all the patients had taken the bisoprolol for 8 weeks. All the patients were measured ABP with T/P ratio calculated before and after treatment. Results:There were no differences in antihypertensive effects between the two products: in group A the SBP was lowered 27 mmHg and the DBP was lowered 27 mmHg. in group B the SBP decreased 23.6 mmHg and DBP decreased 19 mmHg. The T/P ratios in group A was 74% and in group B was 57%. Conclusion:Both products of bisoprolol had good antihypertensive effects in all day long, and without any side effects.
Chinese Journal of Hypertension
antihypertensive effect
trough/peak ratP