
海军某部军人肠易激综合征流行病学调查 被引量:4

Epidemiological investigation into IBS among servicemen of a naval force
摘要 目的探讨海军某部军人肠易激综合征(IBS)的患病情况及危险因素。方法对我国寒冷地区海军某部1 256名军人进行问卷调查。对有症状者进行结肠镜检查排除结肠器质性疾病,得出患病率,并对患病有关的危险因素作单因素和多因素回归分析。结果 IBS的总患病率为13.61%。对入伍前居住地在城市或市郊者的患病率(18.63%)与入伍前居住在县城和农村者的患病率(分别为12.69%和10.69%)比较,有显著统计学差异(P<0.01);患病率与入伍前居住地区存在一定关系,入伍前居住在南方、边疆者的患病率(分别为15.87%和14.29%)与入伍前居住在北方者的患病率(11.70%)比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。IBS的发生与文化程度、吸烟、饮酒、暴饮暴食、奶制品、冷食、辛辣饮食、工作时间及过敏史呈正相关(r:0.176~2.846,P=0.001~0.041),这些因素越多越容易发病;与服役年限、食用蔬菜水果及睡眠时间呈负相关(r:-1.722^-2.272,P=0.015~0.042),这些因素越多越不易发病。与训练强度、军事演习等应激事件及焦虑、抑郁等情绪因素呈明显正相关(r:0.389~2.628,P=0.000~0.023),这些因素越多越容易发病。结论 IBS在我国寒冷地区海军某部军人患病率高,其不良的生活方式、饮食习惯及应激事件和焦虑、抑郁是IBS发生的重要危险因素。 Objective To discuss the Incidence of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) among the servicemen of a naval force and its risk factor. Methods Questionnaire was carried out on 1,256 servicemen of a naval force in cold area. Those who had the related symptoms underwent eolonoseopy so as that colonic organic diseases were excluded. Therefore, the prevalence of IBS would be calculated and the risks of IBS would be further studied via analysis of single factor and muhiple factors. Results The total prevalence of IBS was 13.61~c. The prevalence was 18.63% in the servicemen who had lived in city or suburb before joining the navy and 12.69% or 10.69% in those who had lived in county town or in rural area before, between which there was a significant difference ( P 〈0. 01 ). The prevalence was 15.87% or 14.29% in the servicemen who had lived in southern area or frontier and 11.70% in those who had lived in northern area, between which there was also a significant difference ( P 〈 0.05 ). The prevalence was positively correlative to educational level, smoking, drinking alcohol, overeating, milk intake, cold foods, spicy diet, working hours and history of allergy ( r = 0. 176 - 2. 846, P = 0. 001 - 0. 041 ) , negatively correlative to service life, fruit and vegetable intake and sleep time (r = -1. 722-2. 272, P =0. 015 -0. 042) , and more positively correlative to training intensity, stress time and other factors such as anxiety and depression ( r = 0. 389 - 2. 628, P = 0. 000 - 0. 023 ). Conclusion The prevalence rate of IBS among the northern naval servicemen is high. The adverse lifestyle, eating habit, stress events, anxiety and depression may play important roles in suffering IBS.
机构地区 解放军第
出处 《临床军医杂志》 CAS 2013年第11期1148-1151,共4页 Clinical Journal of Medical Officers
基金 全军"十二五"课题面上项目(NO.CWS11J005)
关键词 肠易激综合征 流行病学 军人 北方 irritable bowel syndrome epidemiological investigation serviceman north
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