

Character as the Logic:From the Views on Character to the Views on Literature
摘要 依现象学的观点,文字不单纯是石头上的刻写或书页上的字符,而且是一种先验的意向结构。如果说"字音"形成了西方人认识世界的"理则",那么"字象"则是中国人认识世界的"常则"。汉字以"字"建序、"字"以比类、"字"属"阴阳"、"字"以"名"重,衍生出字逻辑、象逻辑、和逻辑和悟逻辑,形成了汉语言情感理性的具身性意向结构;西字依"言"立法、"指代"命名、"声"以"区分"、"词""物"对应,衍生出语法逻辑、概念逻辑、分析逻辑和再现逻辑,形成了西语言科学理性的对象化诠释意向结构。作为逻辑的文字决定了中西语言符号体系、赋义方式、思维路径、体验模式的差异,其意向结构的差异奠定了中西审美差异的基调。从文字观到文学观,彰显着中西美学理论范畴及理论体系差异的文字规定性。中国诗学是情感逻辑;西方诗学臻于真,中国诗学深于情;西方诗学辨于物,中国诗学观于心。也许这就是中西文字意向结构的差异所建构出的不同"意向性形态"的审美世界。 According to the phenomenological point of view, the characters is not only carving in the stones or writing on the pages, but also is a kind of transcendental intention structure. If "character - sound" formed the "logic" of the westerners to know the world, then "character- image" is the "principle" of the Chinese people to know the world. Chinese build order with character, Analogy with character, charaeter be- ing with the nature of Yin and Yang, and Nouns - based, deriving Chinese Character Logic, Xiang Logic, He Logic and Wu Logic, and forming the Chinese language with emotional rational and embodied intention struc- ture. Western words is in accordance with the utterance legislation, naming with reference, distinguishing with sound, corresponding words and objects, deriving ~rammar logic, conceptual logic, analytic logic and repro- ducibility logic, and forming the Western language with scientific rational and Objectification interpretation in- tention structure. Character As the logic, determines the differences between the Language symbol system, way of Assigning a meaning, path of thinking, experience mode between Chinese and the West. The differ- ences of The intention of the structure established the foundation of the aesthetic differences between Chinese and western. From the views on character to the views on literature, Western poetics is close to truth, Chinese poetics is deep in feelings; Western poetics is distinguishing from materials, Chinese poetics is Viewing in mind. Perhaps it is the differences of the intention of the structure between Chinese and western character that constructed the far varied western and Chinese "intentionality" aesthetic worlds and their meanings.
作者 王妍
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第6期87-95,共9页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"技术现象学视域下文艺基本理论问题研究"(12BZW017) 教育部人文社会科学项目"意象与仿像--艺术表意范式的中西对比与当代建构"(10YJA760059) 黑龙江省社科基金项目"模仿与虚拟的技术现象学研究"(11D088)
关键词 文字 逻辑 意向结构 意象与仿像 character logic intentional structure yixiang and eikon
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