探讨分裂样精神病 (简称SFP)的临床特征及转归。方法 对首次入院诊断SFP的 89例患者进行 2年随访 ,分别按照CCMD -2 -R及DSM -IV二种诊断标准作比较。结果 从诊断标准看 ,根据CCMD -2 -R ,改诊SP的 5 4例 ( 6 0 .7% ) ,维持SFP的 31例 ( 34.8% )。根据DSM -IV ,改诊SP的 48例 ( 5 3.9% ) ,维持SFP的 37例( 4 1.6 % ) ,两种标准间无显著差异。从临床特征看 ,SFP患者与改诊SP患者比较 ,临床不具思维化声 ,维持治疗期疗效好 ,阴性症状改善明显等特点。
Objective To study the longitudinal course of schizophreniforn psychosis.Method 89 patients with diagnosis of schizophreniform psychosis(SFP) were followed up for two years,and compared CCMD-2-R with DSM-IV.Results According to CCMD-2-R,54 patients (60.7%)were revised to schizophrenia and others,31 patients(34.8%)retained the diagnosis of SFP.According to DSM-IV,48 patients(53.9%)were revised to schizophrenia,37 patients(41.6)retained the diagnosis of SFP.There was no significant difference between the two diagnosis system.Compared to the SP group,SFP group had characteristic with less voiced thought,good responds on maintain treatment and obverse improvement on negative symptoms.Conclusion This study suggests schizophreniform psychosis is valid as an independent diagnostic entity.
Sichuan Mental Health