
超声与药物联合荡洗对桩道内壁清洁效果 被引量:4

The effects of ultrasonic treatment combined with different irrigations on cleaning of post space
摘要 目的:比较蒸馏水、5.25%次氯酸钠、17%EDTA凝胶与超声联合应用在去除桩道内壁玷污层方面的能力。方法:收集30颗新鲜无龋的人单根管离体牙。按常规方法桩道预备后随机分为6组。A组:蒸馏水+冲洗针荡洗(对照组);B组:5.25%次氯酸钠溶液+冲洗针荡洗;C组:17%EDTA凝胶+冲洗针荡洗;A1组:蒸馏水+超声荡洗;B1组:5.25%次氯酸钠溶液+蒸馏水超声荡洗;C1组:17%EDTA凝胶+蒸馏水超声荡洗。处理后均用蒸馏水冲洗,扫描电镜观察各组桩道内微观形态,用Berg分级法进行评价。结果:A组的桩道内壁可见典型的玷污层,牙本质小管堵塞。B组玷污层部分去除,碎屑较多。C组根颈部牙本质小管口开放,达到Ⅱ级。A1组和B1组均有效去除桩道预备后根管内壁形成的玷污层,根中部和根尖部都分别达到Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级,B1组根颈部达到Ⅰ级标准。C1组,牙本质小管口周围最为清洁,桩道各部位均达到I级,残屑极少。结论:应用超声配合以上不同药物荡洗可有效去除桩道预备产生的玷污层,冲洗的处理效果由桩道上部向下部逐渐减弱。 Objective:To evaluate the smear layer elimination capability of ultrasonic treatment combined with different irrigations.Methods:30 single-rooted caries-free teeth were divided into 6 groups on the basis of the irrigation regimen after post space preparation.A:Irrigation with distilled water by irrigating needle(control) ; B:Irrigation with 5.25% NaCl0 by irrigating needle ; C:Treated with GlydeTMFile Prep followed by irrigating needle; A1:Irrigation with distilled water by Ultrasonic treatment; B1:Irrigation with 5.25% NaCl0 by Ultrasonic treatment; Cl:Treated with 17% EDTA gelatum followed by ultrasonic treatment.Then,the post space of all the teeth were irrigated by distilled water.After irrigation,roots were separated into 3 thirds and observed by field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM) at 3 000 × magnification.The effectiveness was evaluated by Berg classification.Results:After treatment the Berg grade in group A and A1 were Ⅳ-Ⅴ and Ⅱ-Ⅲ,in group B and B1 were Ⅲ-Ⅳ and Ⅰ-Ⅲ,in group C and C1 Ⅱ-Ⅳ and Ⅰ,respectively.The Berg grade in coronal part was higher than in the middle and apical parts in group A,B,C,A1 and B1.Conclusion:Irrigation with different medicine by ultrasonic treatment can eliminate the smear more effectively.The effect in cervical thirds is more effective than in the apical thirds.
出处 《实用口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期820-824,共5页 Journal of Practical Stomatology
基金 河北省卫生厅项目(编号:20100464) 河北联合大学教学研究项目(编号:MY090325)
关键词 超声 玷污层 桩道荡洗 扫描电镜 Ultrasonic treatment Smear layer Dowel canal to rinse FE-SEM
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