Ten species of digenetic trematodes belonging to 8 genera of 6 families have been obtained from birds in Fujian Province, China. Among them, two species are new to science and 5 species addition to new host. The type specimens are deposited in the Parasitological Research Laboratory, Fujian Normal University. The diognoses of the new species are as follows.1. Heterophes larii sp. nov. (fig. 1)This species was obtained from the interline of Larius ridibundus, It resembles Heterophyes continua (Onji et Nishio, 1954)but differ in the larger body (3.584—4.256×0.38—0.526mm), cuticle spines covering the body, from the anterier end to a level behind the posterior testis, shorter prepharynx (0.208—0. 240mm), genital sucker overlapping the acetabulum and smaller size of eggs (17—21×14—17μm).2. Galactosomum lanii sp. nov.(fig. 2)This species was obtained from the interstine of Lanius s. schoch, It differs from Galactosomum jonstoni Price, 1934. in the body shape, anterior part slender than the hindbody, cuticle spines covering from the anterior end of the body to the level of posterior testis, shorter prepharynx, (0.07mm), longer oesophagus( 0.256mm) and smaller size of eggs (28—31×17—21μm).
Journal of Fujian Normal University:Natural Science Edition