
基于Pubmed数据库的近五年青光眼文献计量分析 被引量:3

Bibliometric analysis of current glaucoma research based on Pubmed database
摘要 目的 了解近5年国际青光眼相关文献的分布规律和研究热点.方法 以Pubmed数据库为数据源,对2007年1月至2011年12月所收录的青光眼相关文献进行统计分析,采用多元统计方法对高频主题词共现矩阵进行转换、并进行聚类分析和绘制战略坐标图;根据社会网络分析方法绘制可视化网络图谱.结果 共检出青光眼相关文献6427篇,近5年每年发文量变化不大.美国、英国、德国、澳大利亚和法国5个发达国家总发文量为4989篇,占发文总数的77.63%,中国以122篇文献排名第9.通过对52个高频主题词或副主题词进行聚类分析,结果显示当前的热点主要集中在以下10个领域:(1)视乳头和神经纤维层病理改变研究及OCT的应用研究;(2)视野和视功能的检查方法;(3)青光眼的药物治疗;(4)开角型青光眼的视野、眼压及视觉障碍的病理生理学;(5)青光眼的手术治疗;(6)开角型青光眼的致病基因研究;(7)青光眼的病理学及动物模型的建立;(8)高眼压引起的并发症和角膜病理研究;(9)先天性青光眼的相关研究,尤其是基因学及并发症方面;(10)青光眼的病因学和流行病学.战略坐标图和社会网络分析显示:青光眼视乳头和神经纤维层形态学、药物治疗和手术治疗已经较为成熟;眼压、视野在青光眼研究中处于核心地位,与疾病的发病、诊断、治疗等领域有着密切关系;青光眼致病基因研究、病理学及动物模型的建立、先天性青光眼、病因学和流行病学研究相对薄弱,有较大的提升空间.结论 多元统计和社会网络分析,直观展示了近五年国际青光眼的研究现状、热点和趋势.欧美国家在青光眼研究领域起着主导作用.国内相关研究的国际影响力有待加强. Objective To survey the distribution pattern and subject domain knowledge of worldwide glaucoma research based on literatures in Pubmed database.Methods Literatures on glaucoma published in 2007 to 2011 were identified in Pubmed database.The analytic items of an article include published year,country,language author,and journal.After core mesh terms had been characterized by BICOMS,the co-occurrence matrix was built.Cluster analysis was finished by SPSS 20.0.Then visualized network was drawn using ucinet 6.0.Results Totally 6427 literatures were included,the number of annual articles changed slightly between 2007 and 2011.The United States,England,Germany,Australia,and France together accounted for 77.63% of articles.There were 52 high-frequency subjects and hot topics were clustered into the following 10 categories:(1) Pathology of optic disc and nerve fibers and OCT application,(2) Methods of visual field (VF) and visual function examination,(3) Glaucoma drug medications,(4) Pathology and physiology of primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) including VF and intraocular pressure (IOP),(5) Glaucoma surgery,(6) Gene research related to POAG,(7) Glaucoma disease pathology and animal models,(8) Ocular hypertension (OHT) induced complications and corneal changes,(9) Etiology of congenital glaucoma and complications,(10) Etiology and epidemiology of glaucoma.The visualized domain knowledge mapping was successfully built.The pathology of optic disc and nerve fibers,medications,and surgery were well developed.Study on IOP and visual field was in the core domain,which have an important link to etiology,diagnosis,and therapy.The researches on glaucomatous gene,disease pathology model,congenital glaucoma,etiology and epidemiology were not developed well,which are of great promotion space.Conclusions The distribution pattern and subject domain knowledge of worldwide glaucoma research in the recent five years were shown by using bibliometric analysis.Western developed countries play a leading role in the field of glaucoma research,the international influence of related reasearch in China needs to be strengthened.
出处 《中华眼科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期987-992,共6页 Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology
基金 国家自然科学基金(81371008)
关键词 青光眼 文献计量学 社区网络 聚类分析 Glaucoma Bibliometrics Community networks Cluster analysis
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