
AI-2群体感应系统抑制剂:细菌生物膜感染的潜在新药 被引量:3

AI-2 quorum sensing inhibitors:potential drug to bacterial biofilm infections
摘要 细菌生物膜是细菌粘附于非生物或生物表面后将其包裹在自身分泌的多聚物中形成的一种具有立体结构的细胞群落,是细菌为了适应生存环境而形成的一种与浮游细胞相对应的存在形式。临床上80%的感染都和生物膜相关。细菌粘附于人体内自身组织或植入人体的医疗装置表面,如导管、隐形眼镜及心脏起搏器并形成生物膜时,由于生物膜的屏障作用及生物膜内细菌低代谢的特点,形成生物膜的细菌具有高度的耐药性并能逃避免疫系统攻击,使感染易慢性化并难于控制[1-3]。 Bacterial biofilms possess strong drug resistance and can evade from immune attack, resulting in chronic infection, which is difficult to control and can't be effectively treated by conventional antiinfective therapy. In the searching of an effective drug therapeutic target for anti-biofihn, bacterial quorum sensing (QS) system has been attached great importance. QS system is an important signal regulatory, system of bacterial cells, and participates in a large number of gene expressions. AI-2 QS system is widespread in grampositive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria, which is the only curently-known intra- and inter-specific Qs signal transduc, tion system. The phenotypes of AI-2 QS system include luminescent effect, locomotory capacity, biofilm formation, and release of virulence faetors. Qs suppression system may inhibit bacterial biofihn fornmtion and significantly affect the expression of bacterial toxin or virulence. This provides a new research direction for the prevention and control of bacterial biofilm infection. This article reviewed the progress of AI-2 QS system inhibitors and discussed its potential as a new anti-infective agent.
出处 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第23期2502-2507,共6页 Journal of Third Military Medical University
关键词 生物膜 群体感应系统 LuxS/AI-2 细菌耐药 毒力因子 biofilm quorum sensing LuxS/AI-2 bacterial resistance virulence factors
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