目的通过对2007—2012年北京市怀柔区手足口病病原学和流行病学分析,为今后手足口病疫情防控策略的制定和实施提供参考。方法回顾性分析2007—2012年怀柔区手足口病监测数据,发现其流行病学和病原学特征。结果 2007—2012年怀柔区手足口病呈现周期性趋势,年均报告发病率为159.26/10万。手足口病发病时间以4—9月份为主,高峰期为5—7月份,具有季节性波动特点;男性报告发病率高于女性,男女性别比为1.35∶1;发病病例主要集中在1~5岁儿童,以托幼儿童和散居儿童为主。怀柔区手足口病的高发地区主要为城区、城乡接合区和靠近城区的乡镇,远离城区的乡镇报告病例数较少。手足口病的主要病原体为EV71型和CoxA16型,普通病例中CoxA16型检出多于EV71型,而重症病例中以EV71型为主,无CoxA16型检出。结论怀柔区手足口病发病呈季节性波动和周期性变化趋势。1~5岁儿童是手足口病防控的重点人群,同时应重点加强托幼机构、学校、人员流动性大且人口密集地区的手足口病卫生知识宣传教育及防控工作。
[ Objective] By the pathogenic and epidemiological analysis of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Huairou Dis- trict of Beijing from 2007-2012, provide the reference for the formulation and implementation of HFMD prevention and control strat- egies in the future. [ Methods] The HFMD data in Huairou District from 2007-2012 were investigated with the retrospective analy- sis, to explore the epidemiologieal and pathogenic characteristics of HFMD. [ Results] It was shown a cyclical trend in incidence of HFMD in Huairou District from 2007 to 2012, with an average annual reported incidence of 159.26/lakh. Most of HFMD eases oc- curred April to September, and the peak season was between May and July, which presented a characteristic of seasonal fluctua- tion. The reported incidence of HFMD in males was higher than that in females, with the male-to-female ratio of 1.35: 1. The ma- jority of patients were kindergarten children and scattered children aged 1-5 years old. HFMD patients were mainly distributed throughout urban area, rural-urban continuum and towns near the urban area, while few eases were reported in outer urban area. Enterovirus 71 (EV71} and Coxsackie virus A16 (CoxAl6) were the major pathogens for HFMD, the proportion of CoxA16 was higher than that of EV71 in common cases, while I^V71 was the preponderance pathogen in severe cases, and CoxA16 was not found. [ Conclusion] The incidence of HFMD has presented seasonal fluctuation and cyclical change in Huairou District of Beijing. Children aged 1-5 years old are the key population of HFMD prevention. Meanwhile, it is important to strengthen the education and prevention of HFMD in nurseries, schools, floating population and densely populated areas.
Occupation and Health