目的分析天津市某医院静脉调配中心不合理处方,促进静脉用药合理使用,保障患者的用药安全。方法选取该院静脉调配中心2012年1—8月的静脉用药医嘱共计527 189张,根据药品法定说明书和相关药典知识审核医嘱分析不合理情况。结果发现不合理处方409张,不合格率为0.078%。不合理用药有配伍禁忌9.54%、超剂量用药(13.20%)、溶媒错误(24.45%)、药物浓度错误(37.65%)、用药频次错误(8.31%)、给药途径错误(1.22%)、医生笔误(5.62%)。结论审核处方是静脉用药调配中心整个工作的核心部分,通过审核静脉用药医嘱,发现问题后,及时反馈给临床医师,修改医嘱,提高用药安全性。
[ Objective] To analyze the unreasonable prescriptions in pharmacy intravenous admixture services (PIVAS} of a hospital in Tianjin, improve the rational use of intravenous drug, and ensure the medication safety of patients. [ Methods] 527 189 prescrip- tions of intravenous medication collected from PIVAS of this hospital from January to August 2012 were reviewed to analyze the un- reasonable status according to drug legal specifications and relevant knowledge of pharmacopoeia. [ Results ] There were 409 unrea- sonable prescriptions, with the unqualified rate of 0.078%. The reasons of unreasonable prescriptions included incompatibility of drugs in prescription (9.54% }, overdosage ( 13.20% ) , inaccurate solvent ( 24.45% }, drug concentration mistakes ( 37.65% ) , mistakes in frequency of medication { 8.31% }, mistakes in drug delivery route ( 1.22% } and clerical error of doctors ( 5.62% ). [ Conclusion] Reviewing the prescription is the core work in PIVAS. It is important to find out the problems by reviewing the pre- scriptions of intravenous medication, and impel clinicians to revise the prescriptions, to improve the medication safety.
Occupation and Health
Pharmacy intravenous admixture services ( PIVAS )
Reviewing the prescription
Unreasonable prescriptions