文章叙述了一种基于Cortex-M4处理器的带振动监测的直流电机控制系统的软硬件设计。该系统以Cortex-M4处理器内核的STM32F407为主控芯片,电机驱动电路采用高效的4N MOS驱动方案,转速反馈采用光电编码器,附加陀螺仪传感器监测电机振动,软件上采用PID算法进行精确转速控制。系统控制精确,误差为1r/min,且反应迅速,速度改变平滑,有振动保护功能,有较高的实用性。
In this paper, the software and hardware design of a DC motor control system with vibration monitoring based on the processor, Cortex-M4 is described. In this design, STM32F407 is the major control chip using 4N MOS to drive and applies PID into the motor vibration monitoring based on gyroscope sensors. The system has high accuracy, changes smoothly, owns protecting circuits and is accessible to the practicability.
Electronic Technology