
中国工业发展方式的绿色转变——基于生产技术特征的研究 被引量:1

Green Transformation of China's Industrial Development Mode:Research Based on Characteristics of Manufacturing Technology
摘要 本文参照F等(2005)的方法,采用二次函数形式参数化方向性距离函数,用以刻画中国工业生产的绿色技术特征。度量并考察环境技术效率、SO2的影子价格以及SO2与总产值的替代弹性三项指标在2001-2010年的动态特征后,得出以下结论:中国工业的环境技术非效率在波动中有所上升,并表现出某种程度的"俱乐部收敛"效应;工业SO2的影子价格开始向更高的价格区间移动,反映出技术进步开始朝着更加环境友好的方向发展,也预示着中国工业产出的增长将伴随污染排放的减少和可持续性的增强;SO2与总产值的替代弹性持续下降,部分行业开始表现出大幅降低,意味着减排难度的不断加大。 This article, referring to method in FS.re et al. (2005), specified directional distance function parametrically via a quadratic form to describe green technical characteristics of China's in- dustry. By Measuring and studying dynamic character of environmental technical efficiency, shadow price of SO~, and output elasticity of substitution during 2001 to 2010, the following conclusions can be drawn. The environmental technical inefficiency of China's industry increased in fluctuation, and exhibited a "club convergence" effect at a certain degree. The shadow price of industrial SO2 began to move to higher price range. It reflects that technology progress starts to change in a more environment--friendly direction and also indicates that China's further growth of industrial output will be with less pollution and more sustainability. Elasticity of substitution between S()2 and output shows continuously decline, and that in some industries starts to exhibit significant reduction. This means that the degree of emission reduction difficulty is increasing.
作者 景维民 张璐
出处 《现代财经(天津财经大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期106-117,129,共13页 Modern Finance and Economics:Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
关键词 环境技术效率 影子价格 产出替代弹性 方向性距离函数 environmental technical efficiency shadow price of SO2 output elasticity of sub- stittion directional distance function
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