
Measurement and analysis of f ission rates in a spherical mockup of uranium and polyethylene

Measurement and analysis of f ission rates in a spherical mockup of uranium and polyethylene
摘要 Measurements of the reaction rate distribution were carried out using two kinds of Plate Micro Fission Chamber (PMFC). The first is a depleted uranium chamber and the second an enriched uranium chamber. The material in the depleted uranium chamber is strictly the same as the material in the uranium assembly. With the equation solution to conduct the isotope contribution correction, the fission rate of 238U and 235U were obtained from the fission rate of depleted uranium and enriched uranium. Then, the fission count of 238U and 235U in an individual uranium shell was obtained. In this work, MCNP5 and continuous energy cross sections ENDF/BV.0 were used for the analysis of fission rate distribution and fission count. The calculated results were compared with the experimental ones. The calculation of fission rate of DU and EU were found to agree with the measured ones within 10% except at the positions in polyethylene region and the two positions near the outer surface. Because the fission chamber was not considered in the calculation of the fission counts of 238U and 235U, the calculated results did not agree well with the experimental ones. Measurements of the reaction rate distribution were carried out using two kinds of Plate Micro Fission Chamber (PMFC). The first is a depleted uranium chamber and the second an enriched uranium chamber. The material in the depleted uranium chamber is strictly the same as the material in the uranium assembly. With the equation solution to conduct the isotope contribution correction, the fission rate of 238U and 235U were obtained from the fission rate of depleted uranium and enriched uranium. Then, the fission count of 238U and 235U in an individual uranium shell was obtained. In this work, MCNP5 and continuous energy cross sections ENDF/BV.0 were used for the analysis of fission rate distribution and fission count. The calculated results were compared with the experimental ones. The calculation of fission rate of DU and EU were found to agree with the measured ones within 10% except at the positions in polyethylene region and the two positions near the outer surface. Because the fission chamber was not considered in the calculation of the fission counts of 238U and 235U, the calculated results did not agree well with the experimental ones.
出处 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第12期22-26,共5页 中国物理C(英文版)
基金 Supported by Chinese Special Project for ITER(2010GB111002)
关键词 fission rate depleted uranium POLYETHYLENE neutronics analysis fission rate, depleted uranium, polyethylene, neutronics analysis
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