
超支化聚合物的合成、表征及其对水性聚氨酯膜性能的影响 被引量:2

The Synthesis and Characterization of Hyperbranched Polymer and Its Influence on the Waterborne Polyurethane Films
摘要 利用"准一步法",以甲基丙烯酸甲酯与二乙醇胺反应合成出AB2型单体,引入中心核三羟甲基丙烷,通过控制反应条件,合成出了不同代数的端羟基超支化聚酯H1、H2、H3。测得其在常温下的特征粘度分别为3.54mL/g、2.97mL/g和2.62mL/g。且随着温度升高,相应超支化聚合物的特征粘度降低。同时以其为改性剂,采用原位聚合法对一系列水性聚氨酯(PU)进行了交联改性。研究结果表明,与线性PU相比,所得超支化改性水性PU成膜后均具有较好的耐水性和热性能。 The AB2 monomer base on MMA and DEA was prepared through Michael addition reaction.Trimethylolpropane (TMP) used as the centronucleus,and different generations of hydroxyl-terminated hyperbranched polyesters (H1,H2,H3) were synthesized by gradually increase polymerization reaction.The intrinsic viscosities of the hyperbranched polyesters were obtained as 3.54 mL/g,2.97 mL/g and 2.62 mL/g,respectively.With the increasing of temperature,the intrinsic viscosities of the hyperbranched polyesters decreased.A series of polyurethane emulsions (HPU) cross-linked with these hyperbranched polyesters (H1,H2 and H3) as modifiers were prepared and the results indicated that compared with the PU,the modified HPU films had better water-resistance and stronger thermal properties.
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第22期85-87,共3页 Materials Reports
基金 中国博士后科学基金(2011M500865) 江苏省博士后科研资助计划(1002033C)
关键词 超支化聚合物 本征粘度 原位聚合 耐水性 hyperbranched polymer intrinsic viscosity in situ polymerization water-resistance
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