目的探讨下颌骨骨折不同手术时机与术后并发症的关系。方法回顾2007—2012年济南市第五人民医院口腔科收治的下颌骨骨折患者61例,按伤后手术时机的不同将患者依次分类,观察各患者术后感染、骨折畸形愈合和骨折不愈合的发生情况,数据采用Logistical回归分析和方差分析。结果 61例患者中有5例出现术后并发症,无骨折不愈合病例。Logistical回归分析得知延迟手术对全部并发症的相对危险度为0.61(P=0.12),对感染的相对危险度为0.82(P=0.39),对骨折畸形愈合的相对危险度为0.61(P=0.12);各组并发症发生与否的手术时机差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论下颌骨骨折的手术时机与术后并发症的发生无明显关联。
Objective To explore the correlation of the surgical timing for mandibular fracture with the rate of postopera- tive complications. Methods We conducted a retrospective study on 61 mandibular fracture patients from 2007 to 2012. All patients were classified by different surgical timing after injury. Three major complications, including infec- tion, malunion and nonunion, were selected and then logistic regression and analysis of variance were performed. Results Five in all 61 patients were with postoperative complications, including infection and malunion, while no patient was with nonunion. Logistical regression revealed the odds of delayed surgery on all complications were 0.61 (P = 0.12), on infection 0.82(P = 0.39), on malunion 0.61 (P = 0.12). F-test demonstrated no significant difference of time to fixation in each two complications. Conclusion There is no association between surgical timing and postoperative complications, while a loose trend toward lower rate of complications with delayed surgery does exist.
Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
mandibular fracture
surgical timing
postoperative complications