

Barbarian Growth of Trucks
摘要 我们被雾霾所笼罩,还要自省开车出行的不环保,实际上却是代那些畸形发展的行业受过,代懒政的环保部门受惩罚。冬季到来,雾霾如影随形。汽车尾气、燃煤污染和钢铁业聚集乃至做饭的油烟,所有这些可能的污染源被一遍遍梳理。但正如崔永元的一句调侃,货车才是真正需要注意的问题,拉满渣土的大货车比私家车的污染要严重得多。中国的汽车行业起步于卡车, As the winter comes, Beijing has been shrouded in thick fog and haze for days. The emission from running autos, burning coals, the iron factories, and even cooking are all blamed. But as the famous television host Cui Yongyuan said, trucks are the most hazardous source of air pollution. China's truck industry was developed earlier than the car industry, but it is less developed than the latter, at least in emission reduction. The shares that trucks contribute to the capital's air pollution can be estimated by comparing the pollution data of days and nights. Most cars are parked at nights and do not emit anything, but the pollution of Beijing is still heavy if there's no wind.In effect, tens of thousands of trucks pour into the city every night, and they emit as much as millions of cars do. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, medium- and large-sized passenger cars, medium-sized and heave trucks emitted 86% of the nitrogen oxides released by automobiles in 2011.There are high-tech models in the Chinese heavy truck markets. But it is hard for these models to succeed. The lower-end ones, which could be overloaded and run on the rude ways, are the winners. Those highly- efficient trucks may have to obey the same limitations which seek to restrict the lower-end ones.
作者 邢海洋
机构地区 <三联生活周刊>
出处 《中国海关》 2013年第12期80-80,13,共1页
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