RAPD技术自1990年由Williams等首先创立以来 ,由于该项技术具有快速、简便、通用性好、DNA用量少、标记的多态性高等优点 ,已被国内外学者广泛用于植物遗传资源的诸多研究领域中。近几年来 ,RAPD技术也被有效地应用到了甜菜的研究中。本文就该技术的原理、可靠性和应用以及在甜菜上的研究进展作一简要介绍。
RAPD marker was founded by Williams since 1990, now,it has been widely used in many research fields of plant genetic resources by foreign and home scholars, this technique has speed, simplicity and convenience, better generalization, a few of DNA used and with the mert of polymorphism abundant for marker. Recently, RAPD marker has been applied effectively in sugarbeet research also, a brief introduction has been given for its principle, authenticity, application and research progress in sugarbeet.
Sugar Crops of China