试验研究了不同刈剪高度 (2cm、4cm、6cm、8cm)对混播高羊茅 /草地早熟禾绿地草坪质量的影响 ,结果表明高羊茅 /草地早熟禾混播的绿地草坪在春 (3、4、5月 )、秋 (9、1 0、1 1月 )两季以中刈剪 (4cm、6cm)能促进分蘖、密度增加、覆盖度提高 ,叶色好、草坪质量好 ;夏季 (6、7、8月 )以 8cm高度刈剪能得到高覆盖度、质量好的草坪 ;冬季 (1 2、1、2月 )以
Through the research on the effects of different mowing heights (2cm, 4cm, 6cm, 8cm) on quality of turf which is mixed by Tall Fescue (Fescuca arundincea Schreb.) and Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa Pratensis L.), the results are obtained that in spring (March, April, May) and fall (September, October, November), medium height (4cm, 6cm) is favorite for tillering, increment of density and coverage, color and high quality turf; in summer (June, July, August) the best coverage and high quality turf are achieved in 8cm cutting height treatment; and 4cm is proper in winter (December, January, February).
Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University