目的 探讨慢性充血性心力衰竭患者血小板功能状态。 方法 应用放射免疫法测定 4 3例充血性心力衰竭患者和 4 3例非心力衰竭对照组患者的血小板膜表面α-颗粒膜蛋白 (GMP14 0 )及纤溶酶原激活抑制物 (PAI-1 ) ,超声心动图检测左室舒张末期内径 (LVEDd)及左室射血分数 (LVEF)。 结果 心衰组GMP14 0 ( 3 3 .9± 2 .1 μg/L)、PAI-1 ( 0 .80± 0 .1 9AU/ml)明显高于对照组 ( 1 8.1± 4 9μg/L、0 .71±0 .9AU/ml) ,P值分别 <0 .0 0 1、<0 .0 5;IVEF( 51 .2 %± 1 0 .5% )明显低于对照组 ( 71 .3 %± 8.2 % ) ,P <0 .0 1。心衰组不同心功能患者的血小板功能状态不同 ,心功能越差 ,LVEDd越大 ,LVEF越小。 结论 慢性充血性心力衰竭时血小板高度活化 ,血液呈高凝状态。血小板活化程度可能与心衰的病程及愈后有关。
Objective To study the state of platelet activation in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). Methods The levels of GMP 140 and PAI-1 on the surface of platelet in 43 CHF patients and 43 patients with normal heart function were detected by radio-immunoassay. Results The levels of GMP 140 and PAI-1 were significantly increased in heart failure patients. As the heart function deteriorated the levels of GMP 140 and PAI-1 were increased. Conclutions Platelet is markedly activated in CHF patients and that may play an important role in the process and prognosis of CHF.