

The Analysis of the Application Value of Breast Ultrasound Combined with Breast Duct Endoscopy in the Detection of Nipple Discharge Diseases
摘要 目的 探讨乳腺超声联合乳管内镜检查在乳头溢液疾病中的应用价值.方法 选取从2011年5月-2012年7月于该院住院的50例患者作为研究对象,采用ALOKAα10、GELOGIQP5超声仪,探头频率7.5 ~ 12 MHz.序贯扫描的范围是乳腺的全部体表投影区和两侧腋窝处,观察病变部位、扩张导管数目、管径、管腔中有无占位性病灶,并记录异常病灶的大小、形态和血供情况.结果 乳腺超声对乳管内占位性病变检出率低于乳管内镜检查,对乳管扩张的检出率高于乳管内镜检查;而乳管内镜检查对乳管内管内占位性病变检出率高于乳腺超声检查.结论 乳腺超声联合乳管内镜检查,可以更加直观地显示出乳腺导管内出现扩张的部位、形态、回声、血流情况等.乳腺超声检查对乳管僵硬狭窄、乳管内占位性病变的检出率低,而正常乳管、乳管扩张的检出率远远高于乳管内镜诊断;乳管内镜对乳管内占位的检出率及确诊率高于乳腺超声检查结果. Objective To analyze the application value of breast ultrasound combined with breast duct endoscopy in the detection of nipple discharge diseases. Methods 50 cases of patients with nipple discharge diseases admitted in our hospital from May, 2011 to July, 2012 were selected as the subjects. They were given sequential scanning with the scanning range of all the surface projection area of breast and both sides of the armpit by ALOKA ot 10, GE LOGIQ P5 ultrasound with the probe frequency of 7.5 - 12MHz. The lesion site, the number and diameter of dilatation catheter and lumen dilatation catheter with or without occupying lesion were observed, and the size, morphology and blood supply of abnormal lesions were recorded. Results The intraduetal space occupying lesions detection rate of breast ultrasound was lower than that of breast duct endoscopy, while the mammary duct dilation detection rate was higher than that of breast duct endoscopy. Conclusion Breast ultrasound combined with breast duct endoscopy can better show the site, morphology, echo and blood flow of intraduetal dilatation. Results The detection rate of breast ultrasound for mammary duct stenosis and intraduetal space occupying lesion is low. The detection rate of breast ultrasound for normal breast duct and mammary duct dilation was higher than that of breast duct endoscopy, while the detection rate and diagnosis rate for intraductal space occupying lesions were lower than those of breast duct endoscopy.
出处 《中外医疗》 2013年第29期28-29,共2页 China & Foreign Medical Treatment
关键词 乳腺超声 乳管内镜 乳头溢液 应用价值 占位病变 检出率 Breast ultrasound Breast duct endoscopy Nipple discharge Application value Occupying lesion Detection rate
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