
通往真理的事件——论阿兰·巴迪欧的“事件哲学”的理论基础 被引量:3

The Event leads to the Truth: On the theoretical foundation of Alain Badiou's “Event Philosophy”
摘要 本文主要探讨巴迪欧的事件哲学中的基本概念和核心命题,以此揭示事件哲学的理论基础。巴迪欧认为,事件主要存在于事件场所,事件场所部分处于情境中。海德格尔追求的存在之真理及其场域是普遍的、稳定的和常规的,而与之相对立的是特殊的、不稳定的和非常规的,巴迪欧将这种非常规的多元称为事件场所。巴迪欧将集合(情境)与幂集(情境状态)之间的差异,融入对存在的理解中,并根据存在在情境与情境状态中的表现与再现的形式不同,将其分为常态、赘生物与奇点三种类型。奇点反对赘生物和常态,它可以被表现却不能被再现,它属于情境,是一种元素,而作为子集不能被再现于情境状态中。它是历史存在的本质属性,尤其是事件场所的本质属性。事件场所与情境中的奇点,即独特的多元密不可分。但不是所有的情境中都能够有事件场所,巴迪欧将情境分为自然情境、中立情境和历史情境三种类型,只有在不稳定的历史情境中,事件才有可能显现。事件由其所在的事件场所与自身共同构成,它是不可在情境中显现的元素,但又超越了情境中的运算方式,虽不能被计为一,但也不能归为零,它呈现出一种"超一"的姿态,与情境相关却超越了情境,而这一切构成了具有独特性质的事件。事件是真理的起点。真理是情境的无穷子集,包含着无穷无尽的踪迹。真理是难以察觉的,它在知识里凿洞。巴迪欧借助保罗·科恩的数学概念"脱殊",说明真理是被假设完整的脱殊忠诚程序所积极调查的那些项的再集合。真理不符合语法规则,正如事件不符合情境规则一样。他还借用科恩的"力迫"证明法,证明真理的存在。他将真理的生成绘成一幅复杂的"存在的十字架"图式,以此描述真理生成的脱殊途径。这是一幅真理程序步骤结构图,它阐述了事件通向真理的过程。 This article explores the basic conceptions and the core thesis in the event philosophy, in order to reveal the theoretical foundation of this philosophy. Badiou considers that the event exists mainly in the 'event site', which partially locates in the situation. The truth of being that Heidegger pursues is universal, stable and normal; those who in the opposing position are singular, instable and abnormal. Badiou proposes this abnormal multiplicity as event site. Badiou puts the differences between set(situation) and power set(the state of situation) into the comprehension of being, and according to the differences of presentation and representation of being in the situation and the state of situation, divides it into three types: the normality, the excrescence, and the singularity. Singularity opposites the excrescence and the singularity, it could be presented but cannot be represented, the singularity belongs to the situation, it is an element, but as a subset, it could be represented in the state of situation. The singularity is the essential nature of history, specially the essential nature of event site. The relation between event site and the singularity in the situation is the singular multiplicities and inseparable. However, not all the situations could have event site, Badiou separates situation into natural situation, neuter situation and historical situation, the event only appears in the instable historical situation. The event is constituted by its event site and itself, it is the element who cannot be presented in the situation but surpass the method of count in the situation, although it could not be count-as-one, but also cannot be reduced as zero, it appears as a position of 'ultra-one', related to the situation but surpasses it, however, all of this compose the event of special characteristic. Event is the threshold of the truth. The truth is the infinite subsets of situation, which includes infinite traces. Truth is hard to preserve, and digs hole in the knowledge. Badiou uses the mathematic concept 'generic' of Paul Cohen, to illustrate that a truth is the gathering together of all the terms which will have been positively investigated by a generic procedure of fidelity supposed complete. A truth does not conform to the grammar rules, just like an event does not conform to the situational rules. He also borrows the method of 'forcing' of Cohen to prove the existence of truth. Badiou describes the truth as a complex schema of 'a cross of existence', in order to describe the generic method of the production of truths. This is a diagram of the truth procedure, which interprets the process of event to truth.
作者 艾士薇
出处 《中国政法大学学报》 2013年第6期124-137,161,共14页 Journal Of CUPL
基金 作者主持的国家社会科学基金青年项目"阿兰.巴迪欧的‘非美学’批评研究及其批评文集编译研究"【项目编号:13CWW033】的中期成果
  • 相关文献


  • 1Peter Hallward.. Badiou.- a subject to truth, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003, xi.
  • 2Alain Badiou, L'l~tre et L'l~vdnement. Paris, Seuil. 1988. D.193--194.
  • 3Alain Badiou :L'$tre et L'F.vdnement, Paris: Seuil, 1988, p.195.
  • 4Alain Badiou :L'/~tre et L'Ev~nement, Paris: Seuil, 1988, p.l15.
  • 5Alain Badiou :L'~tre etL'l~v~nement, Paris: Seuil, 1988, p. l15.
  • 6Alain Badiou ~ L 'Etre et L "t~vdnement, Paris~ Seuil, 1988, p.551.
  • 7Alain Bacliou .. L ltre et L "Lvdnement, Paris: Seuil, 1988, p.543.
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  • 9Alain Badiou : L 'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris: Seuil, 1988, p. 146.
  • 10Alain Badiou : L 'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris: Seuil, 1988, p. 567.


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