
锦屏大河湾磨房沟泉流量衰减规律研究 被引量:2

Dynamic study on discharge attenuation in Mofanggou spring at Jinping river bend
摘要 为了研究磨房沟泉岩溶水系统含水介质结构特征,同时确定工程对岩溶环境的影响程度,对磨房沟泉多年出口流量进行了衰减分析。结果表明,磨房沟泉含水介质由管道状大溶隙和细小溶隙组成,在衰减过程中前者主要起导水的作用,后者则为主要的储水空间。衰减曲线的年际变化表明泉域受工程影响大,建议今后的引水隧洞施工宜采用以堵为主,堵排结合的工程治理措施。 In order to clarify the aquifer medium characteristics of the karst groundwater system of Mofanggou spring, and to identify the degree of engineering influences on karst environment, the outflows of Mofanggou spring are analyzed for several years by using the attenuation equations. The results show that the aquifer medium of the spring is composed of the pipe-like large solution fissures and the small solution fissures. During the attenuation process the pipe-like large solution fissures have played the role of water conduction, however the small solution fissures are the main water storage space. The interannual variations of the attenuation curves indicate that the spring basin is largely affected by the project construction, so it is suggested that the principles that the plugging is the main means and combining the plugging and draining should be followed during the later diversion tunnel construction.
出处 《工程勘察》 2013年第12期32-36,89,共6页 Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划973项目(2011CB013501 2010CB732005) 教育部新世纪优秀人才资助项目(NCET-11-0406)资助研究
关键词 岩溶水 衰减分析 双重含水介质 karst groundwater attenuation analysis dual water-bearing medium
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