
东北文博会 以文会友促发展

Northeast China Culture Fair Promotes the Common development
摘要 “一股淡淡的茶香,一曲悠扬的音乐,一段婀娜的民族舞……”第五届东北文博会浓郁的文化气息沁人心脾,令参观的人们陶醉其中,难以忘怀。现在的东北文博会已经升格为国家级展会,从2005年举办以来,为不同地域、不同领域的文化交流与融合提供了平台,促进了文化产业的创新与发展。 The Fifth Northeast China Culture Industry Fair(hereafter referred to as "the FAIR") with the slogan of "Culture Is Boundless, and Integration Is Necessary for Development" was held in Shenyang. Participants include the exhibitors from Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces, Tongliao of the Inner Mongolia, Shenzhen, Shandong and Zhejiang in China, as well as the cultural institutions from some foreign countries and regions including Russia, Hong Kong and Taiwan, etc. They launched the best brand projects, and the cultural products exhibited are various and colorful. This FAIR set 6,500 booths, with the exhibition area of more than 150,000 square meters. The theme is "Culture, Integration, Innovation and Development." This FAIR is a grand but not luxurious event. It changes the original pattern and adheres to the concept of "thrift" and "Four No", namely: no opening ceremony, no variety show, no closing ceremony, and no reception dinner. Moreover, leaders, guests and audiences of various circles watched on the site simultaneously. The audiences and cultural enterprises become the attention focus of the media, reflecting the orientation of positioning enterprises as the subjects of the cultural market, and positioning the masses as the subjects of cultural consumption. When the FAIR was coming to an end, all people on the site were reluctant to leave, and took photos from time to time to leave the beautiful memories for ever.
作者 文博
出处 《今日辽宁》 2013年第6期4-11,共8页 Liaoning Today
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