目的评价苏州市医务人员主动提供艾滋病检测与咨询(PITC)、动员高危人群检测等扩大艾滋病检测措施的实施效果。方法收集2008-2012年艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体检测和HIV病例报告数据,比较历年HIV抗体检测数、新报告HIV感染人数、新报告感染者的CD+4T淋巴细胞计数。结果 2008-2012年,苏州全市HIV抗体检测量、PITC相关门诊HIV抗体检测比例和病例报告数逐年增加;报告当年接受CD+4检测的病例的比例分别为56.1%、62.2%、73.4%、85.6%和91.6%,呈逐年增加趋势;当年检测CD+4的病例中,CD+4<200/mm3的比例分别为31.8%、31.3%、31.5%、28.9%和24.8%。结论苏州市的扩大检测措施在病例发现和早期发现方面有一定的成效,PITC策略的推行及取得成效是一个渐进的过程。
Objective Two strategies of scaling-up Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing, Provider-ini- tiated HIV Testing and Counseling (PITC) and initiative to facilitate HIV testing among high-risk groups were im- plemented in Suzhou since 2010. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies. Methods Data from 2008 to 2012 were reviewed to assess: number of HIV testing, newly-reported HIV/AIDS cases, and the pro- portion of low CD4+ count (〈200) among new-reported cases in each year. Results During 2008-2012, the annual numbers of HIV testing, newly-reported HIV/AIDS cases were increasing by year. The proportions of receiving CD4+ counting tests increased by year (56.1%, 62.2%, 73.4%, 85.6%, 91.6%), while the proportion of low CD4+ count among newly-reported cases declined (31.8%, 31.3%, 31.5%, 28.9%, 24.8%). Conclusion Case- finding and early detection were promoted by the strategy of scaling-up HIV testing.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD