目的了解深圳市盐田区2009~2012年手足口病流行病学特征,为制订防控对策提供科学依据。方法对近4年盐田区手足口病疫情数据进行统计处理,描述流行病学方法分析流行特征。结果 2009~2012年深圳市盐田区共报告手足口病病例2269例,平均年发病率为264.30/10万,年度发病率呈逐年增高趋势;病例数男、女性比为1.47:1;发病以5岁以下婴幼儿为主,为1866例(占82.24%);每年3月开始发病数开始上升,于4、5月达到高峰,不同年份的发病时间分布曲线存在差异;全区4个街道,发病率由高到低依次为盐田、沙头角、海山和梅沙街道;不同街道发病率的差异有统计学意义(χ2=107.0291,P<0.0001);职业分布以散居儿童居多,为1497例(占65.98%),其次为幼托儿童672例(占29.62%)。2009~2012年共报告手足口病聚集性疫情33起,其中32起发生于幼儿园;对其中9起进行采样核酸检测,CoxA16阳性3起,EV71阳性1起,肠道病毒通用型4起。结论盐田区手足口病发病率呈现逐年上升趋势,应针对流动人口、托幼机构加大防控力度,强化疫情监测与健康教育,防止疫情扩散。
Abstract:Objective To understand the epidemiological features of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD)in Yantian District, Sbenzhen,2009-2012. Methods The data of hand-foot-mouth disease in Yantian distgrict of Shenzhen were analyzed using descriptive method. Results Totally 2269 HFMD cases were reported, the average annual incidence was 264.30/105.Sexual ratio of male to female was 1.47:1 .Most (82.24%) cases occurred in children aged 5 years and younger. The reported cases of HFMD increases in March, peak in April and May every year. Epidemic curve was different in different years. And the incidence of HFMD wasstatistical significant in the four streets. (X2 = 107.0291,P〈0.0001) Rangings from the highest to the lowest was Yantian street ,Shaotou Jiao street, Haishan street, and Meisha street, respectively. The Scattered children accounted for 65.98%,higher than preschool children (29.62%). 33 clusters of HFMD were reported during four years,of which 32 occurred in kindergarten. And 9 were done nucleic acid detection,3 were positive for Coxl6, 1 were for EV71 positive, and the other 4 were for Universal entervirus. Conclusions Incidence of hand-foot-mouth disease increased year by year. Communicable diseases Surveillance System should be strengthened and Health Education be done to the infants , especially in the kindergarten, to control the prevalence of HFMD in this area.
China Tropical Medicine