[目的 ]探讨达到消灭丝虫病后继续监测的措施。 [方法 ]1996~ 1998年选择可能存在薄弱环节的 6个不同类型地区进行重点监测。病原学采取整群单耳双片法检查微丝蚴 ,昆虫学以个体解剖方法检测蚊媒感染幼丝虫情况 ,血清学应用成虫冰冻切片IFAT检测流行区人群抗丝虫抗体水平。 [结果 ]血检 2 7938人 ,未检出微丝蚴血症者 ;解剖蚊媒 44 5 4只 ,未检出幼丝虫感染蚊 ;IFAT检测 3 6 0 6人 ,人群抗体检测平均阳性率为1 35 % (0 39%~ 4 97% )。 [结论 ]我区消灭丝虫病后成果巩固 。
Objective] To explore the measures for continuing surveillance of filariasis. [Methods] Selecting some vulnerable spots for focal surveillance, double\|slide biood sampling for microfilaria examination, dissecting vectors for detecting the mosquitoes infected with filarial larva, using IFAT for detecting antifilarial antibody. [Results] 27 938 persons were examined for microfilaria and 4 454 mosquitoes were dissected for filaria larva, all were negative. 3 606 serum samples were examined for antifilarial antibody average positive rate was 1 35%(0 39%~4 97%). [Conclusion] The results of surveillance showed that the achievement of filariasis control in Guangxi after filariasis elimination is consolidated.
Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases