建国以来,我国磷肥产业发展快速,磷肥产量从1961年的12.2万t P2O5增加到2012年的1 693.3万t P2O5。我国从磷肥进口国转变为出口国,出口量占全球磷肥贸易量的18.1%(2010年),位居世界第2。产量增加的同时,高浓度磷肥成为主要产品,占磷肥总量的86.7%;磷肥工业主要集中在贵州、云南、湖北、四川磷资源产地,占磷肥产量的71%,经过关停并转,企业集中度提高,前10名企业的产量占总产量的49.6%。磷肥消费量快速增加,从1961年12.2万t P2O5增加到2012年1 176.0万t P2O5。近些年消费基本稳定在1 100万t P2O5。但产业发展也存在问题:一个是磷肥产能过剩严重,应该控制磷肥产能总量,加强高效产能对低效产能的替换工作;其次,应适当发展低浓度磷肥产品,提高磷及钙、镁、硫等其他元素的综合利用效率。
The phosphate fertilizer industries develop rapidly since new China is founded. The production capability of PzO5 increases from 0. 122 million tons in 1961 to 16. 93 million tons in 2012. Meanwhile, China has changed from importer into exporter of phosphate fertilizers and the exports of phosphate fertilizers account for 18.1% of the global exports in 2010. As the production of phosphate fertilizer increases, the high-concentration phosphate fertilizers became the main product, which accounts for 86. 7% of total production of phosphate fertilizers. Furthermore, phosphate fertilizer producers are mainly concentrated in provinces rich in phosphate rock, such as Guizhou, Yunnan, Hubei, and Sichuan, which accounts for 71% of the total production of phosphate fertilizers. At the same time,with the reduction of enterprise numbers and the improvement of the concentrated-degrees of enterprises, the production of top-ten enterprises accounts for 49. 6% of the total production. Moreover, the consumption of phosphate fertilizers increases rapidly. Currently, the consumption is stabilizing at 11 million tons. However, there have been some problems during the industrial development. On the one hand, the production capacity is largely excessive, so the production capacity should be controlled. On the other hand, the production of the low-concentration phosphate fertilizers and the use efficiency of the phosphate resources should be improved in the production process.
Modern Chemical Industry
poduction of P-fertilizers
industrial structure of P-fertilizers
consumption of P-fertilizers