
糊化淀粉尿素氮水平对梅花鹿某些生化指标的影响 被引量:1

The effects of Dietary extruded corn starch- urea NPN Levels on some biochemlcal indicators in Sika deer
摘要 采用 4× 4拉丁方设计,研究了梅花鹿饲粮糊化淀粉尿素氮水平对某些生化指标的影响.结果表明:饲粮糊化淀粉尿素氮水平对血氨含量、血糖含量、鹿尿量、鹿排尿素氮总量等指标的影响,各处理组间差异均不显著( P >0. 05).而对梅花鹿血清尿素氮含量、尿中尿素氮含量影响显著( P<0.05).饲粮糊化淀粉尿素氮水平达到0.75%(23.85g/d@头)对梅花鹿生化指标没有不良影响,6岁梅花鹿生茸期饲粮中添加0.75%的糊化淀粉尿素氮是安全的. : According to 4× 4 latin square design. The results showed that the effects of extruded corn starch- urea NPN(Non- protein Nitrogen) levels on biochemical indicators of blood ammonia content, blood sugar content, total urine, total urine urea nitrogen in sika deer.There were not significant in difference each groups( P >0. 05). But the extruded com starch- urea NPN levels had a significant effect on the urine urea nitrogen content and blood urea nitrogen content( P<0.05). Te NPN levels of diet arrive 0.75%(23.85/d.deer),it wasn’t unfavorable to the biochemical indicators of sika deer.Therefore,it was safely to add 0.75O%NPN in 6-year old sika deer of antler-rowing stage.
出处 《特产研究》 2000年第4期4-7,共4页 Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Research
关键词 梅花鹿 生茸期 生化指标 饲料糊化淀粉尿素 : Sika deer; Antler- growing Stage; corn starch- urea; BiochemicalindicatT
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