
禽白血病病毒抗体间接ELISA检测方法的建立及初步应用 被引量:2

Development and Preliminary Application of an Indirect-ELISA Diagnostic Method for Detection of Avian Leukosis Virus Antibodies
摘要 以大肠杆菌表达、纯化的禽白血病病毒(ALV)重组P27蛋白为包被抗原,建立了检测ALV-P27抗体的间接ELISA方法,为禽白血病流行病学调查提供了一种简便的血清学检测方法。该方法与9种禽常见传染病病毒阳性血清及大肠杆菌阳性血清无交叉反应,具有较好的特异性;批内、批间重复试验变异系数均小于10%,具有良好的重复性;新建立的ELISA方法比IDEXX公司生产的ALV A、B亚群抗体检测试剂盒和J亚群抗体检测试剂盒相对于免疫荧光试验(IFA)有更高的符合率。 An indirect -enzyme -linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA) method was developed for detecting antibodies against Avian leukosis virus (ALV) using recombinant P27 protein. There were no cross reaction with antiserum against 9 kinds of avian infectious disease agent and antiserum against E. coll. Variation coefficients were less than 10% in the intro - batch and in inter - batch tests. The protocol of iELISA was optimized and the method showed more sensitive and specificity than the commercial IDEXX ALV antibody test kit when immunoflourescentassay (IFA) was used as a reference. The results showed that the developed iELISA was specific and can potentially be used for detection of anti - ALV antibodies on a large scale. The indirect ELISA assay would provide a simple and rapid means of monitoring ALV infection.
出处 《中国兽药杂志》 2013年第11期5-9,共5页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Drug
关键词 禽白血病病毒 重组P27蛋白 间接ELISA avian leukosis virus recombinant P27 protein indirect - ELISA
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