
长兴潜堤后方滩涂圈围工程疏浚土利用研究 被引量:7

Utilization of dredged soil in tidal flat reclamation project in the rear of Changxing submerged breakwater
摘要 疏浚土正逐渐成为长江口滩涂造地泥沙资源供给的有效补充。长兴潜堤后方滩涂圈围工程紧邻长江口12.5 m深水航道南港圆圆沙段,航道疏浚土利用的区位优势显著。在调查掌握南港圆圆沙段航道疏浚土产量、分布、土质及稳定性的基础上,针对圈围工程特点,比选适合的疏浚吹填工艺,并提出可行的吹泥上滩技术方案。结果表明:南港圆圆沙段航道疏浚土产量丰富稳定、运距短且土质条件较好,可满足圈围工程吹填用砂的要求。各类疏浚吹填工艺中,艏吹和耙吸装驳工艺的技术适用性较好,现阶段可采用技术成熟的艏吹方案进行疏浚吹填,而耙吸装驳方案可作为备选,待2013年底正式投入运营时可应用于圈围工程。研究成果为圈围工程吹填开辟了砂源,实现了航道疏浚与圈围造地的双赢。 The dredged soil is gradually becoming the effective supplement of sediment resource in the Yangtze estuary. Since the tidal flat reclamation project behind Changxing submerged breakwater is adjacent to the deepwater channel of 12.5 m in South Channel of the Yangtze estuary, the utilization of dredged soil in channel has a significant advantage in geographic location. Based on the investigation of the dredged soil conditions, according to the characteristics of the reclamation project, this article selects the suitable dredging and filling process, and puts forward the feasible technical scheme. The results show that the deepwater channel dredged soil in the section of South Channel to Yuanyuan shoal has the characteristics of abundant and stable production, short transportation distance, and good condition of soil texture, which can satisfy the requirements of sediment in the reclamation project. In all kinds of dredging and filling process, bow-blowing technology and trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) loading barge technology have well applicability in the project. The bow-blowing technology is mature, and can be applied. And the TSHD loading barge technology as an alternative can be used when putting into operation formally at the end of 2013. The research results reveal the sediment resource for the tidal flat reclamation project, and achieve a win-win situation of channel dredging the channel and land reclamation.
出处 《水运工程》 北大核心 2013年第11期18-24,共7页 Port & Waterway Engineering
基金 上海市科学技术委员会科研计划项目(12231203103) 水利部公益性行业科研专项经费项目(201301020) 交通运输部科技项目(2011328A0670) 交通运输部科技项目(2012329A06040)
关键词 长兴岛 圈围工程 长江口深水航道 疏浚土 疏浚吹填工艺 Changxing island reclamation project Yangtze estuary deepwater channel dredged soil dredging and filling process
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