依据热电联产机组供热过程中 所起到的作用,引入折合 的概念,建立折合 热电分摊比分析模型,对典型机组的实际运行工况采用不同方法进行了计算和比较,并用特定参数对可用 在能量转化方面的作用进行了量化,集中体现了不同机组不同用能过程的特点。根据可用 的物理意义和计算结果,认为采用折合 法计算热电分摊比物理意义明确,较其它方法更为合理和实用。
According to the role of anergy in heat supply process of co-genefation, the analytical model for the co-generation cost allocation is formulated by introducing the concept of the reduced exergy. The contribution of the available anergy is expressed with the specific coefficient,which can reflect different applications in various conditions. Calculations for the typical units are implemented using different methods and their results are compared. Results show that the cost allocation using the reduced exergy method is more rational, convenient and practical than the previous methods with reference to the physical meaning of the available anergy and their calculations.
Journal of North China Electric Power University:Natural Science Edition