煤矸石中含有多种重金属元素,其中一些重金属常常造成土壤和水体污染,导致生态系统退化。采用野外调查和室内分析的方法,测定了不同植物体内重金属含量,应用转移系数和富集系数,分析了植物对重金属污染的耐受性。结果表明:随着污染强度的增加,植物种类和多样性降低。铁杆蒿(Artemisia gmelinii)、猪毛蒿(Artemisia scopara)、狗哇花(Heteropappus hispidus)对Cd和Ni元素的耐受性强,铁杆蒿和猪毛蒿对Mn和Cu元素的耐受性强,铁杆蒿、小飞蓬(Conyza canadensis)、猪毛蒿、狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)对Zn元素的耐受性强,小飞蓬对Cr元素的耐受性强。根据综合转移和富集系数分析得出,猪毛蒿、铁杆蒿、小飞蓬和狗哇花对重金属复合污染的耐受性强,可作为煤矸石堆积地重金属污染修复的优势植物。
There were a lot of heavy metal elements in coal gangue stack, some of the heavy metal elements contaminated soil and water, which resulted in degradation of ecosystems. The tolerances of plants to heavy metal pollution were analyzed using biological transfer factor and bioaccumulation factor. Results showed that plant species and diversity decreased with the increase of heavy metal pollution. Arternisia grnelinii, Artemisia scoparia, Heteropappus hispidus had strong tolerance to Cd and Ni pollution. Arte- rnisia grnelinii and Arternisia scoparia had strong tolerance to Mn and Cu pollution. Arternisia grnelinii, Conyza canadensis , Arternisia scoparia and Cynodon dactylon had strong tolerance to Zn pollution. Cony- za canadensis had strong tolerance to Cr pollution. The analyses of comprehensive biological transfer fac- tor and bioaccumulation factor suggested that Arternisia scoparia , Arternisia grnelinii , Conyza canadensis and Heteropappus hispidus, which had strong tolerance to heavy metal pollution, could be used for the bioremediation of contaminated soil.
Acta Agrestia Sinica