Drinking water quality characteristics were determined by watershed and geographical characteristics in the cities of Guangxi through the annual performance indicators of drinking water quality characteristics in the major cities of Guangxi and comparative study of different watershed area, the drinking water quality characteristics of the watershed area in the cities of Guangxi were mainly characterized. The cities in Xijiang River system showed alkaline pH, and the cities in Guinan and coastal river basins showed acidic pH. The hardness and total dissolved solids existed obvious differences in different watershed and geographic cities. The Xijiang River cities were higher, and Guinan and coastal rivers basin cities were lower. The sulfate and chloride indicators maintained a lower level in various watershed cities. It indicated that the characteristics of drinking water supply in Guangxi inherited good natural characteristics of source water quality, the quality and taste were better. It is the basic condition that the cities of Guangxi becomes livable. It is worthy to cherish and maintain.
Water Technology
characteristicsurban water supply in Guangxi
watershed area
drinking water quality