

Source camera identification algorithm research based on imaging sensor noise
摘要 通过分析数码相机的成像特点,文章提出了一种基于图像噪声的相机源辨识方法。通过抽取反映传感器噪声的特征,并训练分类器实现相机型号的辨识。实验结果表明所提取的新特征比前面算法所提取的特征能更好的体现同一品牌相机的模式是噪声的特点,因此具有更高的识别率,且鲁棒性更好。 By analyzing imaging mechanism and characteristics, in this paper, the new method of source camera identification based on image-noise was proposed. The feature realized the camera model identification by using support vector machine (SVM). Experimental results show that the new proposed method achieves high recognition rate compared with the previous method, and has higher robustness.
作者 陈站 张素智
出处 《大众科技》 2013年第11期10-12,共3页 Popular Science & Technology
关键词 源相机辨识 传感器噪声 支持向量机 鲁棒性 Source camera identification sensor noise support vector machine robustness
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