

On Choice of Currency for Damages in International Trade
摘要 在审理有关国际贸易的损害赔偿案件中,法院面临选择何种货币形式判予损害赔偿金的现实问题。以不同的货币形式判决对当事人的实际利益将可能产生较大影响。法院不能随意地选择本国货币或外国货币进行判决,而是选择能够完全赔偿受损害方的货币进行判决。不管选择何种货币判决,法院都须确定不同货币间的兑换时间标准:违约之日、裁决之日或支付之日。由于任何单一的兑换日标准不可能在所有案件中得出公正合理的结果,法院应该采用综合性的兑换日标准。在确定兑换时间标准后,如果在同一兑换日存在多种版本的汇率,法院还面临选择何种版本汇率的问题。为了尊重权威和避免争议,法院应尽可能使用本国的官方汇率。 In hearing the case of damages about international trade, the court faces the realistic problem of what form of currency to choose in awarding damages. Adjudging in different form of currency will likely have a great impact on parties. The court can not judge freely in local currency or foreign currency, but in the currency which is able to compensate completely the aggrieved party. Regardless of judgment in any form of currency, the court shall determine time standard of exchange for different currency : breaching day, paying date date. Since any single time standard of exchange may not get a fair and reasonable result in all cases should adopt a comprehensive time standards of exchange. After determining the time standard of ex , awarding , the court change, if there are multiple versions of exchange rate at the same day, the court also faces the choices of versions of ex- change rate. In order to respect authority and avoid disputes, the court should use their official exchange rate as much as possible.
作者 莫万友
出处 《河南财经政法大学学报》 北大核心 2013年第6期104-110,157,共8页 Journal of Henan University of Economics and Law
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十二五"规划项目"国际法律文本中违约损害赔偿制度研究"(项目编号:GD12XFX01) 电子科技大学中山学院科研团队培育研究项目(项目编号:412YT03)的阶段性成果
关键词 国际贸易 损害赔偿 货币选择 international trade damages choice of currency
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