

Academia Sinica's Contribution to the Cause of the Overseas Study in the Nanjing National Government Period
摘要 以留学生为主要骨干的中央研究院,对南京国民政府时期国家留学事业贡献卓著。在政策层面,该院评议会为实行其"促进国内外学术研究合作与互助"的职责,针对国家留学政策存在的缺失和不足,在一系列有关留学的议案中,提出了诸多切实的建议,经讨论通过后,交与国家留学事务的主管机关——教育部会商具体办法,从而影响国家留学政策的制定和实行;在实践层面,中央研究院通过主持庚款留荷,参加中美、中英庚款留学的派遣及为庚款生提供留学指导,推动国家留学事业的发展。中央研究院对国家留学事业作出显著的贡献,在很大程度上,是由于该院直隶于南京国民政府,居于国家最高学术研究机关的地位,其评议会则为国家最高学术评议机关,这使该院及其评议会,在与教育部、外交部等政府部门就国家留学政策和事务进行商讨时,能有较为顺畅的途径和机制。此外,中央研究院以留学精英为主体,学术研究水平居国内一流,其评议员具有学术的权威性和代表的广泛性,这使其不仅对于国家留学政策贡献卓著,而且在主持、参加的庚款留学等留学的考试、选拔和出国前指导等各个环节中,充分发挥其学术行政经验和学术专长。 Academia Sinica, which was constituted mainly by the students studying abroad, made a remarkable contribution to the cause of national overseas study in the Nanjing National Government period. In the policy level, in order to fulfill the obligation of promoting international academic cooperation and mutual assistance, the council of Academia Sinica put out a lot of practical recommendations to fix the disadvantages and shortage of the national overseas study's policy in a series of motions on that area. Those motions were adopted after the council's discussing, then transmitted to the competent department in charge of overseas study affairs-Ministry of Education, deliberated the specific measures to influence the formulation and implementation of the na- tional overseas study policy. In the practical level, Academia Sinica hosted Boxer Indemnity dispatch students to Dutch, participa- ted in Sino-US, Sino-British Boxer Indemnity dispatch abroad, and provided guidance to the student of Boxer Indemnity, which promoted the cause of national overseas study efficiently. The significant contribution to the cause of national overseas study made by Academia Sinica, in a large part, was because it was under the direct control of Nanjing National Government. Being the country~ highest academic research organization, the council of Academia Sinica was the country's highest academic council, which provided a smooth channel and mechanism for Academia Sinica and its council to discuss with Ministry of Education, Min- istry of Foreign Affairs and other government departments on the policy and affairs of overseas study. In addition, as the elites of overseas study comprised the principal part of Academia Sinica and its academic research level was in the first-class in the coun- try. Its councilors had academic authority and extensive representatives, contributing not only to advise the country's overseas study policy, particularly the policy of overseas study with academic researchers and outstanding skilled persons, which was dif- ferent from the general persons, but also to play its academic administrative experience and academic expertise by hosting or par- ticipating in the exam, selection of Boxer Indemnity dispatch candidates, the guidance for the students before their leaving.
作者 周雷鸣
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2013年第6期13-20,共8页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社科基金一般项目"中央研究院与民国时期的学术发展研究(1927-1949)"(项目编号:13BZS064) 国家社科基金重大项目"民国时期留学史料整理与研究"(项目编号:11&ZD101 主持人周棉)子课题"南京国民政府前期留学史料整理与研究" 教育部人文社会科学规划基金一般项目"中央研究院与民国时期的中外学术交流研究(1928-1949)"(项目编号:09YJA770061) 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金项目"蔡元培与中央研究院研究"(项目编号:09SJD770010)的阶段性成果
关键词 中央研究院 南京国民政府 留学 Academia Sinica Nanjing National Government overseas study
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