

Audience Accommodation in Terms of Audience's Emotions
摘要 情感的读者顺应主要依赖言语活动来实现。在交际过程中可以根据语境的不同、考虑受众主客体因素灵活选择语言,达到交际双方心灵的交融,最终诱发读者/听众与作者的顺应与合作,并对读者顺应得当与否进行了论析。 Audience accommodation in terms of audience' s emotions mainly relies on context. This paper summarizes the adaptation theory, analyzes the four kinds of perspectives in Verschuem Pragmatic Study, thus confirms that in the process of communication, depending on the context, considering the subjective and objec- tive factors of audience, there is much flexibility for addressers or writers to choose the language to reach the blend of mind of both sides, and ultimately induce readers / listeners to cooperate feelingly, and several examples are presented about which the appropriateness of audience accommodation in terms of audience' s emotions is discussed and analyzed
作者 陈昌奇 罗林
出处 《肇庆学院学报》 2013年第6期85-89,共5页 Journal of Zhaoqing University
基金 广东省高等职业技术教育研究会2010立项课题(GDGZ10121) 广东省教育科研"十二五"规划2012科研项目(2012JK268) 罗定职业技术学院2012校级立项课题(KY2012048)
关键词 顺应论 情感 读者顺应 The Adaptation Theory emotions audience accommodation
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