结果 分析浙江省水痘疫情发生情况,为开展相应的预防控制工作提供科学依据.方法 对2008-2010年浙江省报告的水痘病例及水痘暴发疫情用描述流行病学方法进行分析.结果 2008-2011年浙江省共报告水痘71406例,死亡2例,年平均发病率34.33/10万.丽水市发病率最高,达64.65/10万,温州市报告病例数占30.59%; 5~6月份和11~12月份是全年发病高峰;14岁以下人群占病例报告总数的77.40%.2008-2011年全省共报告水痘事件98起,其中97.95%发生在学校.结论 浙江省水痘疫情较严重,应进一步加强有关方面的宣教工作,落实学校卫生工作相关措施,开展水痘疫苗常规接种的推广和应急接种,确保水痘疫情的有效控制.
Objective The present study was conducted to investigate the epidemic situation of varicella in Zhejiang Province for providing a scientific basis for the formulation of strategies for its control and prevention. Methods The methods of descriptive epidemiology were used to analyze the surveillance data from National Notifiable Diseases Reporting System(NNDRS) and Emergent Public Health Event Information Management System(EPHEIMS) on varicella form 2008 to 2011 in Zhejiang Province. Results A total of 71406 varicella and lcases died, the incidence rate was 34.33 per 100000 population.. The incidence rate in Lishui was 64.65 per 100000 population, which was the highest area, 30.59% cases were reported in Wenzhou; there were two obvious seasonal peak incidence in May to June and November to December; 77.40% cases were under 14 years of age.91 Varicella outbreaks were reported, 97.95% of which occurred in schools. Conclusion Varicella prevalence was existing in Zhejiang Province, health education, school health management and Varicella-Zoster vaccine immunization should be strengthened for the control and prevention of varicella.
China Health Industry
Epidemiological characteristics