

On Application of Mobile Phone’s GPS Technology and Some Problems---From Criminal Investigation Perspective
摘要 随着3G网络时代的到来以及手机通讯技术的不断发展,手机定位技术得到不断的完善与发展。精确定位在侦查中以及紧急事件中的应用、“模糊定位”在社交网络中的应用既为我们带来了机遇与便捷,也隐藏着一定的问题。因此,以犯罪侦查学为视角,专题研究手机定位技术的应用以及在应用中存在的问题,提出相应的解决对策,对于预防手机定位技术在侦查和社交网络应用中的危害性很有必要。 With the advent of the era of 3G and the continuous development of mobile communication technology, the mobile positioning technology has been increasingly perfecting and developing. Accurate positioning in the criminal investigation and application of the emergency and vague localization in the application of social network brings us both opportunity and convenience, also causes certain problems. Therefore, from the perspective of criminal investigation, it is expected to take a probe into the application of mobile phone positioning technology, and finally put forward some corresponding solutions, which is really necessary to prevent the damages in the investigation and the application of social network.
作者 王锋 王恒认
出处 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 2013年第6期91-93,共3页 Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers
关键词 手机定位 犯罪侦查 应用 危害 mobile phone’s GPS criminal investigation application damage
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