As a legendary woman,Deng Lij un achieved an outstanding achievement in popular music in her short life.Her industry and hard work made her obtain the approbation and praise of the international mar-ket.Her songs suit both refined and popular tastes and are suitable for people of all ages.Her music style is diversified and her singing style is popular and ethnical.Deng Lij un is not only a pioneering successor who opened up the performance career of Chinese modern popular singer's vocal concert,but also enlight-ens the art dream of plenty of following musicians and cultural workers.By collecting and studying the ref-erence data related to the music records and movie and video materials published by Deng Lij un,as well as the news,reports and biography related to Deng Lij un,the paper summarizes the main characteristics and achievements of Deng Lij un's performance and explores the causes for her success.
Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)
Deng Lijun
popular music
vocal music performance art