

Variation of Evapotranspiration in Chinese Germplasm of Zoysia Willd
摘要 以园林绿化中广泛应用的“青岛结缕草”和马尼拉为对照,对中国结缕草属5种2变种32份野生种源的蒸散量进行了测定并分析。结果表明:结缕草属32份种源蒸散量变异范围为1.690~3.285mmol/(m2·s),变异系数为18.71%,结缕草属不同种源的蒸散量存在极显著的差异;不同种的蒸散量不同,其排序为:大穗结缕草〉长花结缕草〉青结缕草〉沟叶结缕草〉结缕草〉中华结缕草〉细叶结缕草,其中变异系数最大的为结缕苹;结缕草、中华结缕草种内种源的蒸散量存在着极显著的差异,且结缕苹种内的蒸散量差异高于中华结缕草种内差异。在32份供试种源中,蒸散量显著低于马尼拉的有7份种源,蒸散量显著低于青岛结缕草的有8份种源,蒸散量同时显著低于2个对照的有7份种源。中国结缕草属植物和中华结缕草的蒸散量与其地理分布无明显的相关性,结缕草的蒸散量与纬度呈极显著的负相关,与经度无明显的相关性。 The evapotranspirations of 32 accessions of Zoysia Willd were studied by using Z. japonica "Qingdao' and Manila(Z. matrella) as the CK in this paper. The results showed that the variation range of evapotranspirations of 32 accessions was from 1. 690 to 3. 285 mmol/(m~ ~ s) with 18. 71~ variation coefficient; highly significant differences existed among the evapotranspirations of the 32 ac- cessions; the evapotranspirations of five species and two variants were different, which were ranked from large to little as Z. mac rostachya,Z, sinica var. nipponica, Z. japonica vat. pollida. , Z. matrella, Z. sinica a, Z. japonica, Z. tenuifolia, in which the largest variation coefficient was in the accessions of Z. japonica; there were obvious differences between evapotranspirations in accessions of Z. japonica and Z. sinica, the variance of evapotranspiration of Z. japonica was significant higher than that of Z. sinica; there were 7 accessions, of which the evapotranspirations were significantly lower than that of Manila; the evapotranspirations of 8 accessions were significantly lower than that of "Qingdao', while the evapotranspirations of 7 accessions were significantly Tower than those of the two CK. There were no significant correlation between the longitude and latitude of collection sites and the evapotranspirations of Zoysia Will& and Z. sinica; while the evapotranspiration of Zoysia japonica had significant linear negative correlation with the latitude of collection sites and no significant collection with longitude.
出处 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2013年第12期28-32,共5页 Water Saving Irrigation
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31101561) 江苏省高校自然科学研究项目(11KJD210003 10KJD210003) 盐城师范自然科学基金(10YCKL006)
关键词 中国结缕草属 种质资源 蒸散量 变异 Chinese Zoysia Willd Germplasm resources~ evapotranspiration variation
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