目的 :探讨合成促皮质素 (Cortrosyn ,长效确杜先 )及维生素B6 (吡哆醇 )联合治疗婴幼儿癫的疗效。方法 :14例年龄为 3个月至 4岁的患儿 (婴儿痉挛症 6例 ,其它顽固性癫 8例 )给予维生素B6 5 0~ 10 0mg d肌肉注射 10天后 ,再以逐渐延长用药间隔的方式肌肉注射Cortrosyn0 0 15~ 0 .0 2 5mg kg.d ,总疗程约 2个月 ,观察用药后的癫发作情况、脑电图 (EEG)改变、血像、肝肾功能及血电解质变化。结果 :治疗后 11例患儿癫发作停止 ,2例顽固性癫患儿发作减少 ,分别由每周 15次及 2 0次减少至每周 3次及 8次 ,1例顽固性癫患儿因不良反应明显终止治疗。EEG及一般临床情况有改善。治疗过程中部分患儿有低血钾、低血钙、浮肿等 ,但血液肝肾功能检查未见异常变化。结论 :Cortrosyn及维生素B6联合治疗婴儿痉挛症及顽固性癫的近期疗效肯定。
Objective:To investigate the effects of Cortrosyn depot with vitamin B6 on intractable epileptic children at age of 1/4 to four years. .Methods: Fourteen patients with intractable epilepsy included 6 children with West syndrome and 8 children with intractable epilepsy were injected with vitamin B6 for 10 days, then treated with cortrosyn depot. Seizures, EEGs and some blood biochemical tests were observed in all patients before and after the course of treatment. Results: Eleven patients became seizure free after the the treatment. Seizure frequency were decreased in two patients. One patient stopped treatment because of side effects. The clinical condition of disease and EEGs were also improved. The blood biochemical tests about liver and kidney were normal after treatment. Hypokalemia, hypocalcemia and slight dropsy were appeared in some patients. Conclusion: Cortrosyn depot and Vitamin B6 are effective for West syndrome and intractable epilepsy in childen of low age.