
Probing the density dependence of the symmetry energy with central heavy ion collisions 被引量:5

Probing the density dependence of the symmetry energy with central heavy ion collisions
摘要 An improved isospin dependent Boltzmann Langevin model,in which the inelastic channels and momentum dependent interactions are incorporated,is used to investigate the high-density behavior of nuclear symmetry energy.By taking several forms of nuclear symmetry energy,we calculate the time evolutions of neutron over proton ratio,π multiplicity and π-/π+ ratio,and the kinetic energy and transverse momentum spectra of π-/π+ ratio in the heavy ion collisions at 400A MeV.It is found that the neutron over proton ratio and π-/π+ ratio are very sensitive to the nuclear symmetry energy,and the π-is more sensitive to the nuclear symmetry energy than the π+.A supersoft symmetry energy results in a larger π-/π+ ratio. An improved isospin dependent Boltzmann Langevin model, in which the inelastic channels and momentum dependent interactions are incorporated, is used to investigate the high-density behavior of nuclear symmetry energy. By taking several forms of nuclear symmetry energy, we calculate the time evolutions of neutron over proton ratio, π ultiplicity and π-/π+ ratio, and the kinetic energy and transverse momentum spectra of π-/π+ ratio in the heavy ion collisions at 400A MeV. It is found that the neutron over proton ratio and π-/π+ ratio are very sensitive to the nuclear symmetry energy, and the π- is more sensitive to the nuclear symmetry energy than the π+. A supersoft symmetry energy results in a larger π-/π+ ratio.
出处 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期7-12,共6页 核技术(英文)
基金 Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) projects (Nos.11025524 and 11161130520) National Basic Research Program of China(No.2010CB832903)
关键词 重离子碰撞 对称能 BOLTZMANN 中央 密度 探测 同位旋相关 相互作用 Improved isospin dependent Boltzmann-Langevin model, Nuclear symmetry energy, Neutron overproton ratio, Pion production
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