目的 了解 1998年我院传染病科住院病人基本情况、疾病谱、单病种流行高峰及其平均住院天数。方法 整理了 1998年我院传染病科住院病人的病案资料并进行统计和分析。结果 病人总数为 12 95例 ,平均年龄 46 .5岁 ,男性占 6 5 .4% ,病死率 4.7% ,月收住率较平均 ,肝炎占首位 ,尤以慢性乙型病毒性肝炎为主 ,单病种流行高峰及平均住院天数有各自的特征。结论 上海地区传染病以肝炎为主 ,其他病种得到了较好的控制。
Objective To investigate the state, the disease spectrum, the epidemic peak and the average days hospitalized of the infectious patients in our hospital in 1998. Methods The data of hospitalized patients in department of infectious disease in 1998 were arranged and analyzed. Results The sum of the infectious patients was 1295, the average age was 46 5 years old, the male occupied 65.4%, the mortality rate was 4.7%. The number of hospitalized patients were average every month, the hepatitis ranked number one, especially chronic hepatitis B, the other diseaes had its epidemic peak and average days hospitalized. Conclusion In Shanghai, the infectious diseases gave priority to the hepatitis, the others were under control.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Statistics
Infectious diseases Disease spectrum Analy€