Reason for hepatic function aggravation in an elderly female with acute exacerbanon ot cnromc obstructive pulmonary disease was analyzed. Drugs which might damage alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were used including atorvastatin calcium and levofloxacin. These two drugs were withdrawed immediately, and hepatoprotective drugs including glutathione, polyenephosphatidyl choline and isoglycyrrhizinic acid magnesiumwere administered. The values of ALT and AST reduced gradually and recovered to normal, and the patient was discharged with improvement. Atorvastatin calcium and levofloxacin should be prescribed to elderly patients with caution, especially to the patients with original liver damage. At the same time, liver function should be monitored regularly in these patients.
Drug Evaluation