
市场失灵、机制设计与全球能源治理 被引量:33

Market Failure,Institution Design and Global Energy Governance
摘要 在美国页岩气和页岩油革命背景下,全球能源市场化程度进一步加深,能源市场化力量对能源的投资与消费十分关键。同时,全球市场化发展也需要相应的游戏规则,金融市场的对冲合约以及各种投资条约与贸易协定正逐渐发挥更大的作用。在此背景下,不同于传统能源安全理论强调地缘政治的观点,作者提出市场失灵是当前全球能源安全及其全球治理的关键挑战,并讨论了当前能源消费需求不断增长的中国与全球能源治理体系面临的现实。在不完全竞争、外部性、信息不对称、公共物品属性的概念框架下,作者分析了石油及天然气领域市场失灵的各种现象,并在制度经济学框架下讨论了国际能源机构、《能源宪章条约》、国际能源论坛以及能源期货交易中心等各种机制设计在降低交易费用和解决市场失灵方面的作用、发展现状与不足。传统上能源领域的机制设计以北美和欧洲为主导具有一定合理性,但是,随着中国和亚太地区能源消费的急剧增长,现有的全球能源治理体系必然需要相应变革,中国应积极参与构建全球能源治理体系。 Against the backdrop of shale gas and shale oil revolution in United States,the global energy market is deepening,and the energy market forces turn to be the key factors on energy consumption and investment.Meanwhile,hedging contracts and various investment treaties and trade agreements is gradually playing a greater role.Different from the traditional energy security theory which emphasizes the geopolitical point of view,this paper emphasizes that the problem of energy security is the result of market failure.The paper discusses the oil and gas field of market failure phenomena within the conceptual framework of imperfect competition,externalities,asymmetric information,public goods and property,and the various international mechanisms to reduce transaction costs and solve the market failure from the perspective of governance.These mechanisms include IEA,ECT,IEF and Energy futures trading center etc..Based on the discussion above,we conclude that energy mechanisms designed dominantly by North America and Europe have certain rationality,but with the rapid growth of energy consumption in China and Asia-Pacific region,the current global energy governance system will need corresponding reform.The last part of the article is the consideration of energy governance between China and the world.
作者 徐斌
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期78-95,159,共18页 World Economics and Politics
基金 笔者主持的2013年度国家社科基金一般项目<页岩气背景下中俄天然气战略机遇与治理规则研究>(项目编号:13BGJ016)的阶段性成果之一
关键词 能源安全 市场失灵 机制设计 全球治理 气候变化 energy security market failure mechanism design global governance climate change
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