在九龙江龙岩段设立4个采样点,于不同季节采集水样.采用竹炭固相萃取恒能量同步荧光法,检测水样中美国EPA优控的16种多环芳烃(PAHs)浓度.结果表明,三及五环PAHs占近75%;全年ΣPAHs浓度范围为9.0~515.7 ng·L-1,春高冬低;雁石桥、漳平顶坊高于捷步桥,红坊赤坑相对较低.
Four water samples from the rivers in provincial control section of Longyan were collected from July 2011 to March 2012.The samples were analyzed for 16 PAH compounds based on the methods of bamboo charcoal solid phase extraction-constant energy synchronous fluorescence spectrometry detection under quality assurance and quality control. Total PAHs concentrations vary from 9.0ng.L-1 to515.7 ng.L-1. The highest and lowest concentrations were found in spring and winter. The concentrations of the total PAHs in the rivers from the Yanshi and Dingfang part of the study area are higher than that of Jiebu part of the study area, and concentration of the total PAHs in the fiver from the Chikeng part of the study area is the lowest. The dominated compounds are 3-ring and 5-ring PAHs, which are up to almost 70%. Dibenz(a,h)anthracene pollution is more serious than others.As a whole, total PAHs concentrations of the rivers in Longyan are at the medium level in reported studies in China. Some of the 16 PAHs which are deleterious for human body are at the level of slight pollution.
Journal of Longyan University