研究运载火箭的空中发射 ,不可避免地要分析载机与运载器的分离过程。针对机载发射方案的要求 ,提出运载器与载机实现空中分离的方案 ,并建立相应的动力学数学模型 ,分析了分离过程中运载器的纵向运动情况。分析结果表明 ,分离过程结束后 ,运载器的运动参数可以满足机载发射方案的要求。
To study the initial status of an air launched rocket prior to launching in air, it is necessary to study the air separation process between the vehicle and aircraft on which the rocket is carried to predetermined launching point. In this paper, a new air departure scheme according to requirements of the launch mission is proposed, and a corresponding dynamical mathematical model based on which the rocket kinetic characters in the vertical plane can be analyzed is set up. The subsequent analysis results indicate that the rocket kinetic parameters after the air separation phase can be up to the mustard of the airborne launch mission.
Missiles and Space Vehicles
国家高技术航天领域青年科学基金资助项目! ( 863- 2基金 - 6)