
不同体重指数的哮喘患儿规范化激素治疗后肺功能变化 被引量:12

Association between body mass index and lung function in children with asthma after corticosteroids inhalation
摘要 目的研究不同体重指数(BMI)的哮喘患儿经吸入糖皮质激素(ICS)治疗后肺功能的改善情况。方法 157例哮喘患儿根据BMI分为肥胖组(46例)、超重组(50例)和体重正常组(61例),检测所有患儿治疗前及规范化ICS治疗1年后,大气道通气功能指标1秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)、用力肺活量(FVC)及小气道通气功能指标用力呼气25%流量(MEF25)、用力呼气50%流量(MEF50)。结果治疗前各组患儿行肺功能激发试验,雾化吸入乙酰甲胆碱后肥胖组FVC%、FEV1%、MEF25%及MEF50%下降率均明显高于体重正常组(均P<0.01);雾化吸入沙丁胺醇后肥胖组FEV1%、MEF25%和MEF50%以及超重组MEF25%和MEF50%改善率均明显低于体重正常组(均P<0.05)。ICS治疗1年后,与治疗前相比,体重正常组FVC%、FEV1%均明显升高,而肥胖组和超重组仅FVC%升高。结论肥胖能够增加哮喘患儿对乙酰甲胆碱敏感性,而抑制对沙丁胺醇反应性;规律ICS治疗能改善正常体重哮喘患儿大气道通气功能,对小气道通气功能影响较小;肥胖能够抑制ICS对哮喘患儿肺功能的改善作用。[中国当代儿科杂志,2013,15(11):983-986] Objective To study the association between body mass index (BMI) and lung function of asthmatic children after inhaling corticosteroids (ICS). Methods One hundred and fifty-seven children with asthma were classified into obese (46 cases), over-weight (50 cases) and normal-weight groups (61 cases) based on BMI. All of the children received ICS for one year. Pulmonary functions were evaluated before and after treatment. Large airway function includes forced expiratory volume in one second (FEVI%) and forced vital capacity (FVC%). Small airway function includes maximal expiratory flow 25 (MEF25%) and maximal expiratory flow 50 (MEF50%). Results The bronchial provocation test before treatment showed that the decline rate of pulmonary function (FVC%, FEVI%, MEF25% and MEF50%) in the obese group was higher than the normal-weight group after methacholine inhalation. After salbutamol inhalation, the improvement rate of the large airway (FVC%) and small airway (MEF25% and MEF50%) functions in the obese group was lower than the normal-weight group, and the improvement rate of small airway (MEF25% and MEF50%) function in the over-weight group was lower than in the normal-weight group. After treatment with ICS for one year, large airway function (FVC% and FEVI%) in the normal-weight group was higher than pre-treatment, however only FVC% in the normal-weight and obese groups was higher than pre-treatment. There was no significant difference in small airway function before and after treatment in all three groups. Conclusions Obesity can increase the sensitivity to methacholine and restrain the sensitivity to tosalbutamol in children with asthma. ICS can improve the large airway function in asthmatic children with normal body weight, but has no effect on small airway function. Obesity can restrain the effect of ICS on asthmatic children.
出处 《中国当代儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期983-986,共4页 Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划(2007BAI24B05)
关键词 哮喘 体重指数 肺功能 儿童 Asthma Body mass index Lung function Child
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